Brazilian Association of Recycling Industries and Producers

Brazilian Association of Recycling Industries and Producers

It was designed to become a guide to good recycling practices known in the world, free to use, for solid urban waste, adapted to be used by small 1st cycle recyclers in Brazil, which will be demands from the 5,569 managers of municipalities in Brazil who choose to adopt the Zero Landfill Model

We encourage the installation of Zero Landfill Reverse Logistics Centers in municipalities, which selectively receive separated dry solid urban waste, in our homes, to be sorted by associations of autonomous collectors, with more acceptable healthiness and, having thousands of people as customers. small 1st grade recyclers. Cycle, which will acquire urban dry solid waste, already sorted and selected by type, to be installed in municipalities in a number proportional to the inhabitants.

Small 1st grade recyclers. Cycle, must have at least one small effective plastic extruder, for recycling and production of plastic resins recycled and the recycling of various types of solid waste, as long as it is imperative that organic waste is separated in our homes, before selective collection.

We suggest that recycled plastic resins be made available for sale to petrochemical industries or for export, for those interested in reintroducing them as raw material for the production of new lines of state-of-the-art plastic resins.

This new generation of plastic resins, to be made available to the transformation industries, will motivate them to use them to produce new lines of high added value products, for use in municipal councils, such as products for basic sanitation, cycle paths, sidewalks and central streets minimum flow; individual or collective septic tanks and many other products, starting in Brazil a large program of simplified implementation of inclusive basic sanitation for the residents of its municipalities.

It will be up to generation “Z” to use Artificial Intelligence: 

1-Do not leave any residence in Brazil, no matter how simple, without piped treated water and at least one septic tank.

2- Develop simple techniques for recycling all waste generated by human beings, becoming the generation that promotes the implementation of the Sustainable Circular Economy in Brazil.

3- Organic solid urban waste, separated in our residential or local businesses, will be selectively collected and sent to the Zero Landfill Municipal Composting Centers in our thousands of municipalities.

Municipal managers, who start operating their organic composting, will exempt municipalities from current environmental co-responsibility and, by reducing their environmental impacts, will contribute to improving public health, generating inclusive and sustainable income for residents in the municipalities, regardless of the degree of literacy, thus assuming socio-environmental responsibility, a step towards the Sustainable Circular Economy in Brazil, starting to become a reality.            

Rainy climates                                         Dry climates